Sep 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Velazquez

It is proven that happiness & laughter, friendships & being surrounded by family and friends, working - like what Nonna does in her garden which is work that brings pleasure and happiness along with exercise without even knowing you are exercising, being active by walking whenever possible, eating fresh produce, having a purpose, having a glass of wine, being loved - all of this gives longevity and a very healthy body and mind. Follow in Nonna’s footsteps to live a healthier longer life ♥️.

Thank you little girl for enlightening all of us from your journey with Nonna to make us understand that a simple, active life is really all we need to achieve happiness 🥰

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Velazquez

I have really enjoyed the experience and stories of your time in Sicily with Paola. I know firsthand how much planning and work goes into a garden... as I become less mobile and have difficulty managing the garden with my husband, the garden has become more what we need than what we like or want

Still, it's a big job that we love. Our planting beds will soon be ready for fall veggies and then nature takes it for the winter season and gives it a break. I have learned to take it slower, to smell the flowers on my way and pivot our life as we grow old.

May your life always be rich with joy, hope, love and adventure and please keep sharing those lessons with us. Thank you, Tessa

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